Have you ever wanted to draw a cute cartoon elephant? If so, follow this guide on how to draw an elephant step by step. This is our first drawing guide, so if you like this type of post please let us know in the comments. This step by step tutorial is designed to be for beginners, so this first tutorial will be an easy to draw cartoon baby elephant. If you manage to follow this tutorial, share it in the comments at the bottom of the page.
Step 1
Start by drawing two circles, making the one on the left slightly smaller.
Step 2
Make a bigger teardrop shape below the two circels.
Step 3
Draw a leg on each side of the teardrop shape.
Step 4
Draw a small tail at the end of the right side of the teardrop shape and the trunk on the left side of the smaller circle.
Step 5
Extend the trunk line into the smaller circle to shape the mouth and define where the ear will start and end.
Step 6
Draw an ellipse and a smaller ellipse inside to complete the eye and also the two remaining legs. Erase the lines that aren’t needed anymore.
Step 7
Add a couple of rounded lines to the trunk and toes to the feet.
Step 8
Emphasize all the lines drawn to make a cleaner and more defined cartoon elephant.
Step 9
Paint the whole elephant gray and add a darker tone of gray to the legs on the back and behind the ears and tail.
Step 10
Add a general drop shadow shape below the elephant.
Well done! You have completed this guide on how to draw an elephant step by step. If you enjoyed this tutorial, please let us know and we will make some more guides. Moreover, if you have any other ideas we would love to know in the comments.
awesome and cute.